How to make Photo Invitations

This tutorial will show you how to make a basic photo invite with Adobe Photoshop. The main idea is to take a photo of the guest or guests of honor and turn it into a fabulous unique invitation.  Printing them out at a photo lab will save you money as you can often print photos for less than 18c per picture. That is a real bargain.

Photo Invitations

Step 1.

Search through your stash of current photographs for a decent picture or grab your camera and the subject and quickly take a few snaps. With a bit of planning this exercise will only take up an hour or two of your time. 

For a more creative approach why don't you take a photo of the Guest of honor (GOH) at one of their favorite spots or participating in a favorite exercise. The park, the coffee shop, playing football, get the picture.

Ensure you take your photo at the highest resolution to ensure we will have a good quality photo to print at the end.

Step 2.

Create a new document in photoshop called "INVITE" with the following parameters.

width:    6"     (assuming you want a 6x4 photo change accordingly for a 5x7 print)
height    4"
resolution 300
leave the rest as default

Step 3.

Create a background color for your invitation. Make a new layer and name it 'background color' 
Click on New fill or adjustment layer > Solid color then select a color for your background. We can easily change this color later so you don't need to be too picky at the moment. To change the color you simply click on the colored square to the left of the layer and pick a new color.

Photo Invitations
The new fill tool is located at the bottom or the layers tab

Step 4.

Make a frame for the photo.
Create a new layer and name it 'Frame'  With the Rectangular Marquee tool (also known as the marching ants tool) Create a frame to the right of your invite. Leave enough room on the left for the invitation details.

When you have the size right select New fill or adjustment layer > Solid color again and pick a color for your frame.

making Photo Invitations

Step 5.

Make a mask for your photo.
Create a new layer and name it 'Photo Mask'  This time with the Rectangular Marquee tool (also known as the marching ants tool) Create a slightly smaller frame within the previous frame keeping the borders even.

When you have the size right select New fill or adjustment layer > Solid color again and pick grey color for your frame (the color does not matter so i picked a neutral gray)

frame for the Photo Invitations       -->       filled in gray Photo Invitations

Step 6.

Open the photo you wish to use for your invite and click and drag the photo in to our INVITE document placing it above the Photo Mask layer. Name this layer 'Photo'.

Photo Invitations mask

Right Click the Photo layer and select Create clipping mask. Resize the photo layer (ctrl t) and position it so that it sits nicely within the frame.

move it around

Step 7.

Write your invitation details in the free space to the right with the Text tool. Add any special touches.

your invited - the final image.


Step 8.

When you are happy with your photo invitation save it as a JPEG file format and it is ready to print at your local photo lab or at an online store like vistaprint bargain: 

50% Off Custom Printed Invitations & Announcements. Matching envelopes available. Design & order online. Receive in as few as 3 days!


Related Links
Photo birthday invitations
Wedding photo invitations
Photo Save the dates




Submit your Photo Invitations and tips here.