Graduation Invitation Wording
Here are some Graduation Wording samples that you can
use as a guide to assist you in writing your own invitations or announcements.
Preshool Graduation
Please Join us for the kindergarten graduation of Miss Sarah
Martha and Brad Stewart
Reception to follow at our home
Regrets only
High School Graduation
I Jenny
Invite you to share in my joy and achievement
as I graduate from
Marylands High School
Friday the twenty third of May, two thousand and six
at 6.00 PM in the auditorium
We are proud to announce the graduation of
our Son
Henry Smith
From New Haven College, class of 2000
May 23rd, 2000
Please join us in celebrating
Saturday June 10th, 2000
at 7.00pm, at our Home
16 May Street,
Boston, MA
john and betty sue
Please share in our joy as our son
Samuel Ryan Jones
Graduates from William Mason High School
on Friday, May twenty third
two thousand and eight
at 7:00pm, in the Auditorium
Jenny and Ryan Jones
College graduation
With great pride and joy, The parents of
Betty Carlina Jones
Announce the graduation of their daughter
University of Western Sydney
Please join us to celebrate her achievement at an Open House
September 6, 2007 at 7:00p.m. at the Jones' home
123 Right Street, Boston, MA
Class of 2007
Please Join us for
Sarahs graduation ceremony
Saturday, May 23rd, 2007
at 3:00p.m.
123 Right Street
Boston, MA
I am pleased to announce my
Graduation from
University of Western Sydney
On Friday, May Nineteenth,
two thousand and eight
at 8:00pm
Please join me on this special day
Betty Carlina Jones
Graduation Party
You're Invited to
Betty Carlina Jones'
Grad Party
Saturday, May 23 2007
Holstens Bar
7pm til Late
- Make graduation invitations
- Wording for a graduation invitation