Contact Me

Really... We love MAIL!  I made this pretty purple page especially for it. If you want to say 'Hi' I'm here. If you have any questions or comments then don't hesitate to pass them on. We try to cover all bases here at MYOI but if you have an invitation request that we don't have simply fill out the form below, type in the secret 'I'm a real human' password and hit the big 'submit' button.

On the other hand.... if you have toiled for hours on your own invitations and reckon they are worthy of a mention or two then shoot over to the submit invite form and do your thing. We'd love to see your stuff!

Contact Us
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
E-mail Address*
Dear MYOI*

Please enter the word that you see below.


important: we will always respond to your request. If you do not receive a response please check your SPAM folders.